Tag Archive | Emotions in the Workplace

How To Keep Your Emotions In Check During Changing Times

Hello Everyone,  sorry I got out of my routine.  I hope that all of you have has a great weekend and a joyous Valentine’s Day.  Right now, I am going through a hard time in my JOB.  We have new CEO’s and policy changes along with employee changes.  Boy, that is a lot of changing going on!!  That is what prompted me to write this week’s post.  Keeping a positive attitude and thinking positive can make things easier and make you feel better along your journey.www.iplannerandcompany.com

How To Keep Your Emotions In Check During Changing Times

Many people have problems with change, yet change is just about the only thing you can count on. We see this all the time in the stores, workplace, electronics and more. No matter whether you are an employee, a boss, a parent, a teacher, a student or some combination of these personal descriptions, eventually, you will have to deal with change. Chances are, you will be dealing with change on a regular, ongoing basis in any lifestyle. Luckily, there are specific steps you can take to keep yourself on an even keel in changing times.

 Read on to learn more.

Regardless of your profession, family role or leadership position, it is important that you set a good example for others by responding appropriately to change. Always look for the unseen benefit in changes, and avoid automatic reactions. Focus on responding to change in a flexible manner rather than reacting against it.

People often have anxiety with changes.  This can create negative reactions from all types of people, professions, and groups.   If you are in possession of special knowledge about the coming changes, be sure to share your information with others in your school, work groups or family in a positive way. If the changes will cause more work or added responsibilities for yourself and others, think of ways you can help each other out and make the most of the situation.

Avoid Negativity.Negativitiy

If you feel resentful or fearful about the change, take some time to think your feelings through and identify why you feel that way, is it just a feeling or is it based in fact? The only thing that negative talk and thinking will do is drain your energy, bring you down and it may even stop you from progressing.

Stay positive.

Instead, focus your energy on the positives of the situation and help yourself make the most of it.  Use this time to evaluate the situation, group or were you are in your life at that time.  Think of changes as an opportunity to brainstorm a new outcome.  A chance to change things you can and possibly go around/avoid things you cannot change.


Understand that if you have concerns, others around you probably do too. It is alright to discuss your concerns as long as you do not spread fear and anxiety. Instead, discuss your concerns as a way of brainstorming for good ideas that will help everyone adjust and move forward.

Approach changes in your personal life and your work life with the mind of a child. In other words, look for aspects of changes with which you are unfamiliar and view them as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than as a burden.


In work situations, organizations and school changes often come in the form of new people in positions of authority. In families, these days, new people of all sorts may be added. New spouses, parents, and siblings are a common occurrence in today’s world. If your changes consist of a big shift in group composition and dynamics, be sure to stay open and positive, avoid judgments and expect the best.

Being friendly and interested will go a long way toward helping yourself and those around you weather this sort of stressful change. If these changes are occurring within your workplace, school or organization, be sure to make the most of any resources at hand, such as mentoring, counseling and so on.

Setting the Example  

Change can be frightening and stressful; however, when you remember that, no matter who you are, you set an example to others, you are sure to want to show yourself in your best light. When you do this, you also benefit yourself with your mature, thoughtful behavior. Follow the tips presented here to handle change successfully in any situation.

As always be safe and blessed in your journey,
